Vocabulary Mandarin Chinese

by Thekla Wiebusch  

The vocabulary contains 2120 meaning-word pairs ("entries") corresponding to core LWT meanings from the recipient language Mandarin Chinese. The corresponding text chapter was published in the book Loanwords in the World's Languages. The language page Mandarin Chinese contains a list of all loanwords arranged by donor languoid.

Word form LWT code Meaning Core list Borrowed status Source words

Field descriptions


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Li Shangyin’s 李商隱 (ca. 813 - 858) poems. In: Quan Tang shi.
Liang shu 梁書 (629). By Yao Cha 姚察 and Yao Silian 姚思廉. Beijing, Zhonghua shuju 1973. See also: Scripta Sinica, Ershiwu shi.
Liao shi 遼史 (ca. 1350). By Tuotuo 脫脫 (Togtaga) and Ouyang Xuan 歐楊玄. Beijing, Zhonghua shuju 1974. Ouyang Xuan 歐陽玄. Beijing, Zhonghua shuju 1975. See also: Scripta Sinica, Ershiwu shi.
Liezi 列子 (ca. 450 BCE) (text compiled 4th c. BCE - 4th c. CE?). Hanquan database of ancient Chinese texts, Xian-Qin zhuzi.
Lisao (ca. 300 BC). by Qu Yuan 屈原 (ca. 340-278 BCE), see Chu ci.
Lao Qida yanjie 老乞大諺解 (written. ca. 1350, publ. 1423, corr. 1480) [Sprache 14. c.]. In: Lao Qida yanjie 老乞大諺解. Piao tongshi yanjie 朴通事諺解. Taipei, Lianjing chubanshe 1978. (based on 1670 / 1677 edition). See also Scripta Sinica, Xiaoshuo xiqu ji qita小說戲曲暨其他.
Lun heng 論衡 (ca. 80 CE). By Wang Chong 王充. In: Si bu bei yao. Taipei, Zhonghua shuju. Scripta Sinica, Guji sanshisi zhong.
Lun yu 論語 (between 479 and 400). In: A Concordance to the Analects of Confucius. Harvard-Yenching Institute Sinological Index Series, Suppl. No. 16. Reprint Taipei 1966. See also: Scripta Sinica, Shisan jing.
Maoshi: see Shi jing
Meng liang lu夢梁錄. By Wu Zimu吳自牧. Hangzhou: Zhejiang ren min chu ban she 1984.
Mengzi 孟子 (between 300 and 249). In: A Concordance to Meng Tzû. Harvard-Yenching Institute Sinological Index Series, Suppl. No. 17. Repr. Taipei 1966. See also: Scripta Sinica, Shisan jing.
Ming shi bie zai (ji) 明诗别裁集 (Collection of Ming-dynasty (1368-1644) poetry). Compiled by Shen Deqian (1673-1769) and Zhou Zhun. Quoted according to Ciyuan.
Ming shi 明史 (1739). By Zhang Tingyu 張廷玉 et al.. Beijing, Zhonghua shuju 1974. See also : Scripta Sinica, Ershiwu shi.
Mozi 墨子 (4. or 3. c. BCE). In: Mozi yinde 墨子引得 (Yinde bianjichu bianji). Shanghai, Shanghai guji chubanshe 1986. See also: Hanquan database for Ancient Chinese texts. Xian-Qin zhuzi.
Mu Tianzi zhuan 穆天子傳 (excavated 280 CE, about 10th c. BCE). Quoted according to Schuessler 2007.
Nan Qi shu 南齊書 (6th c.). By Xiao Zixian 蕭子顯. Beijing, Zhonghua shuju 1974, 3 Bde. (1. ed. 1972). See also: Scripta Sinica, Ershiwu shi.
Nan shi (History of the Southern dynasties) 南史. Scripta Sinica, Ershiwu shi (The 25 dynastic histories).
Oracle Bone Inscriptions (14th- 11th c. BCE). Quoted according to secondary literature and dictionaries.
Piao tongshi yanjie 朴通事諺解. (ed. ca. 1350, publ. 1423, corr. 1480). [language of 14th c.] In: Lao Qida yanjie 老乞大諺解. Piao tongshi yanjie 朴通事諺解. Taipei, Lianjing chubanshe 1978. (edition: 1670 / 1677). See also Scripta Sinica, Xiaoshuo xiqu ji qita小說戲曲暨其他.
Qing shi gao (“Draft history of the Qing dynasty”) 清史稿 (First publ. 1928). Ed. by Zhao Erxun and Ke Shaomin. Scripta Sinica: Ershiwu shi.
Qingdai jingshi wenbian 清代經史文遍 (Documents from the Qing period). 1872-1902. Scripta Sinica.
Quan Tang shi 全唐詩 (Complete poems of the Tang dynasty). Hanquan Database of Ancient Texts.
Ru Tang qiu fa xun li xing ji 入唐求法巡禮行記 (travel diary of the monk Ennin, 9. c.). By Ennin 圓仁 (793-864). Taipei, Wenhai chubanshe 1976. See also Scripta Sinica, Xiaoshuo xiqu ji qita小說戲曲暨其他.
San guo zhi 三國志. By Chen Shou 陳壽 (233-297). Beijing, Zhonghua shuju 51973, 5 Bde. (1. ed. 1959). See also : Scripta Sinica, Ershiwu shi.
San guo zhi zhu (Annotated San guo zhi) 三國志注429. By Pei Songzhi裴松之 (372-451). See also Sripta Sinica, Ershiwu shi.
San Sui ping yao zhuan 三遂平妖傳 (Ende Yuan bis Anf. Ming). By Luo Guan¬zhong 羅貫中. In: Zhang Rongqi 張榮起 (ed. 整理): San Sui ping yao zhuan in 20 hui, Ming (Wan¬li)-print, Beijing, Beijing daxue chubanshe 1983. See also Scripta Sinica, Xiaoshuo xiqu ji qita小說戲曲暨其他.
Sanguo yanyi 三國演義 (Romance of the Three Kingdoms)(14th c.). Attributed to Luo Guanzhong 羅貫中 (ca. 1315 – 1400). Scripta Sinica, Xiaoshuo xiqu ji qita.
Shan hai jing 山海經. (Anon. Zhou and Early Han dynasty). Shan hai jing jian shu 山海經箋疏. In: Si bu bei yao. Taipei, Zhonghua shuju. See also: Scripta Sinica, Guji shiba zhong.
Shang shu, see Shu jing
Shi ji 史記 (between -104 and -86). By Sima Qian 司馬遷. Beijing, Zhonghua shuju 71975. See also Scripta Sinica, Ershiwu shi.
Shi jing 詩經 (10. - 6. c. BCE). In: Legge, James (ed., transl.): The Chinese Classics, Vol. IV. Hongkong, Lane, Crawford & Co. and London, Trübner & Co. 1871. See also Scripta Sinica, Shisan jing (13 classics).
Shi ming (Explaining names ) 釋名. By Liu Xi (Eastern Han, ca. 200 CE). In: Chinese text project, Etymology. http://chinese.dsturgeon.net/text.pl?node=40087&if=en
Shishuo xinyu 世說新語 (between 420 and 444). By Liu Yiqing. Taipei, Shijie shuju 21966, 3 vols. See also: Scripta Sinica, Guji sanshisi zhong.
Shui hu zhuan 水滸鱄 (Ming?). Attributed to Shi Nai’an 施耐庵 (ca. 1296—1372). Edition: Yibai ershi hui de Shui hu 一百二十回的水滸. 2 vols. Shanghai, Shangwu yinshuguan 1934. Quoted according to Ciyuan.
Shu jing 書經 (ca. 9. - 6. c.BCE). In: Legge, James (1865): The Chinese Classics III. Hongkong, Lane, Crawford & Co. and London, Trübner & Co. 1871. See also Scripta Sinica, Shisan jing (13 classics).
Shuowen jiezi 說文解字 (ca. 120 n. Chr.). By Xu Shen 徐慎. In the edition of Xu Xuan (Song dynasty). Hongkong, Zhonghua shuju 1989.
Sima xiangru zhuan 司馬相如傳 (Biography of Sima xiangru), chapter 117 of the -> Shiji
Song shi 宋史 (ca. 1345). Tuotuo 脫脫 (Togtaga) and Ouyang Xuan 歐陽玄. Beijing, Zhonghua shuju 1977. See also: Scripta Sinica, Ershiwu shi (The 25 dynastic histories).
Song shi chao宋詩鈔. Song shi chao bu: fu suo yin宋詩鈔補 : 附索引 edited by Wu Zhizhen 吴之振 (1640-1717). Shanghai: Xinhua shudian 1988. Quoted according to Ciyuan.
Song shu 宋書 (6th c.). By Shen Yue 沈約 (Liang dynasty). Beijing, Zhonghua shuju 1974. See also Scripta Sinica, Ershiwu shi.
Su Shi 蘇軾 (1036-1101)’s poetry. Dongpo zhilin 東坡志林. Wang Songling 王松齡 dianjiao點校, Peking: Zhonghua shuju 1981.
Sui shu 隋書 (636). By Wei Zheng 魏徵 et al.. Beijing, Zhonghua shuju 1973. See also : Scripta Sinica, Ershiwu shi.
Sunzi 孫子 (ca. 544-496) Sunzi bingfa. In: Hanquan Database of Ancient Texts.
Tang shi 唐詩 (Tang poetry), see Quan Tang shi.
Taohua shan 桃花扇 (Peach blossom mountain). By Kong Shangren孔尚任 (d. 1718). In: Scripta Sinica: Xiaoshu xiqu ji qita.
Tang huiyao唐會要 (Institutional History of the Tang dynasty) 961. Compiled by Wang Pu. Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe 1991.
Tao Qian (132-194). Quoted according to Ciyuan.
Tong Yue fu 僮約賦. By Wang Bao 王褒 (fl. 73-48 BCE). Quoted according to Sagart & Xu (2001): History through loanwords: the loan correspondences between Hani and Chinese. Cahiers de linguistique – Asie orientale 30.1, pp. 35-36.
Wanguo gongbao 萬國公報 (The Globe Magazine). (1874 – 1883, analyzed by -> Masini 1993)
Wei shu 魏書 (572 n. Chr.). By Wei Shou 魏收. Beijing, Zhonghua shuju 1974. See also: Scripta Sinica, Ershiwu shi.
Wen xuan 文選 (between 526 and 531). Compiled by Zhaoming Taizi 昭明太子. In: Si bu bei yao. Taipei, Zhonghua shuju.
Xin Wudai shi 新五代史 “New History of the Five dynasties” (ca. 1070). Comp. By Ouyang Xiu 歐陽修. Beijing, Zhonghua shuju 1974.. See also: Scripta Sinica, Ershiwu shi.
Xin bian wudaishi pinghua 新編五代史平話 (1337). Shanghai, Zhongguo gudian wen¬xue chubanshe 21955. See also : Scripta Sinica, Xiaoshuo xiqu ji qita.
Wu shu吳書 “History of the Wu dynasty” (3rd c. CE). Scripta Sinica: Ershiwu shi: San guo zhi.
Xing shi heng yan醒世恆言 (1627). Edited by Feng Menglong馮夢龍 (1574-1646). Beijing, Renmin wenxue chubanshe 41989 (1. edition. 1956), 2 vls.
Xingshi yinyuan zhuan (Marriage as retribution – Awakening the World) 醒世姻緣傳 (ca. 1661). By Xi Zhousheng 西周生 (pseud. ?). Scripta Sinica: Xiaoshu xiqu ji qita.
Xixiangji zhugongdiao 西廂記諸宮調 by Dong Jieyuan 董解元(fl. 1190-1208). In: Liu Jian (ed.). Jindai hanyu duben 近代漢語讀本. Shanghai, Shanghai jiaoyu chubanshe 1985, 252-55 according to Ming, Jiaqing edition: Guben Dong Jieyuan Xixiangji 古本董解元西廂記in 8 juan.
Xi you ji 西遊記. Ascribed to Wu Cheng´en吳承恩 (ca. 1500-1582). Beijing, Renmin wenxue chubanshe 1973.
Xin shu 新書 (New Writings). By Jia Yi賈宜 (201–168? BCE). Si bu bei yao 9.5b. Chinese Text Project, Confucianism.
Xunshi pinghua 訓世平話 (15th c.). Ed. by Yi Byeon 李邊. Scripta Sinica: Xiaoshuo xiqu ji qita.
Xin Tang shu 新唐書 (1061). Comp. by Ouyang Xiu 歐陽修 and Song Qi 宋祁. Beijing, Zhonghua shuju 1975.
Xin kan Da Song Xuanhe yishi 新刊大宋宣和遺事 (ca. 1300). Edition: Shanghai, Zhongguo gu¬dian wenxue chubanshe 1954. See also: Scripta Sinica 2.0: Xiaoshuo xiqu ji qita.
Xunzi 荀子 (3. c. BCE). In: A Concordance to Hsun Tzû. Harvard-Yenching Institute Sinological Index Series, Suppl. No. 22. Reprint Taipei 1966. See also: Scripta Sinica, Shanggu Hanyu ziliaoku.
Yan Shigu顏師古 (581-645). Commentator of several classical texts
Yang Xiong (58 BCE – 18 CE). -> Fangyan
Yanshi jiaxun 顏氏家訓 (The Family Instructions of Master Yan) by Yan Zhitui 顏之推 (born 531). Scripta Sinica, Guji shiba zhong.
Yi li 儀禮. Comm. by Zheng Xuan (儀禮鄭注). Si bu bei yao 四部備要 Bd. 5. Taipei, Taibei Zhonghua shuju 1936. See also : Scripta Sinica, Shisan jing (The 13 classics).
Yi jing 易經 / Zhou Yi 周易 « Book of Changes » (9th – 6th c. BCE ?). Scripta Sinica, Shisan jing.
Yiqie jing yinyi一切經音義 (Phonetic and semantic dictionary for all Buddhist Sutras) (649) by Huilin慧琳 (737-820). Zheng Xu Yiqiejing yinyi : fu suoyin liangzhong 正續一切經音義 : 附索引兩種. Shanghai : Shanghai guji chubanshe 1986.
Yi wen lei ju 藝文類聚 (ca. 661). Comp. by Ouyang Xun 歐陽詢 (557-641). Zhonghua shuju, Shanghai bianjisuo bianji. Shanghai, Zhonghua shuju 1965. See also: Scripta Sinica, Guji sanshisi zhong.
Yi Zhou shu (ca. 4th- 3rd c. BCE) quan yi. Guiyang: Guizhou ren min chu ban she 2000.
Yongle dadian xiwen 永樂大典戲文 (Opera texts preserved in the Yongle dadian, an encyclopedia finished in 1408). Scripta Sinica, Xiaoshuo xiqu ji qita.
Yupian 玉篇: see Yuanben yupian and Songben yupian.
Yuan shi 元史 (ca. 1370). By Song Lian 宋濂. Beijing, Zhonghua shuju 1976. See also: Scripta Sinica: Ershiwu shi.
Yuan kan zaju sanshi zhong 元刊雜劇 三十種 (30 Dramen gedruckt in der Yuan-Zeit) In: Xin jiao Yuan kan zaju sanshi zhong 新校元刊雜劇三十種. Beijing, Zhong¬hua shuju 1980. See also : Scripta Sinica, Xiaoshuo xiqu ji qita.
Yuefu shiji樂府詩集 (12th c.) edited and compiled by Guo Maoqian. Scripta Sinica.
Yuewei caotang biji 閱微草堂筆記 (Random Jottings from the Cottage of Close Scrutiny) (1789-98). By Ji Yun (1724 – 1805). Scripta Sinica: Xiaoshuo xiqu ji qita.
Zhan guo ce 戰國策 (3rd-1st c. BCE). Edited by Liu Xiang 劉向 (77/79 – 6/8 BCE). 3 vls. Shanghai: Guji chubanshe 1978. See also: Scripta Sinica, Zhu zi.
Zhang Wencheng張文成 (c. 651/7–721/730). Author of Tang-poetry, quoted according to the Ciyuan.
Li ji 禮記 commented by Zheng Xuan鄭玄 (127-200) (禮記鄭注). Si bu bei yao Bd. 6. Taipei, Zhonghua shuju 1966. See also: Scripta Sinica, Shisan jing.
Zheng Zi tong正字通 (preface 1670). By Zhang Zilie 張自烈 (1597-1673). Ergänzt von Liao Wenying 廖文英補. Beijing, Guoji wenhua chuban gongsi 1996.
Zhenghe zhenglei bencao政和證類本草. (12th c.) by Tang Shenwei (Full title: Chongxiu Zhenghe jingshi zhenglei beiyong bencao重修政和經史證類. 備用本草). Taipei: Southern Materials Center 1976, repr. of 1204 revised edition.
Zhou li 周禮. (Anon., Former Han-Dyn.). Comm. by Zheng Xuan. Edition.: Si bu bei yao Bd. 4. Taipei, Zhonghua shuju 1936. See also : Scripta Sinica, Shisan jing.
Zhou shu 周書 (History of the Zhou dynasty). By Linghu Defen (583-666). Scripta Sinica: Ershiwu shi (The 25 dynastic histories).
Zhuangzi 莊子 (4. or 3. c. BCE). In: A Concordance to Chuang Tzû. Harvard-Yenching Institute Sinological Index Series, Suppl. No. 20. Repr. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard UP 1956. See also: Scripta Sinica, Shanggu Hanyu yuliaoku.
Zuo Si 左思 (250 - 305). Wu du fu 吳都賦 (Wu capital rhapsody). Quoted according to the Ciyuan.
Zuo zhuan 左傳 (ca. 340 n. Chr.). In Legge (ed. und Übers.): The Chinese Classics. Vol. V. The Ch´un Ts´ew, with the Tso Chuen. London, Henry Frowde, Oxford University Press Warehouse 1872. See also: Scripta Sinica: Shisanjing.
Zhuzi yulei 朱子語類 (between 1175 and 1200). Taipei, Zhengzhong shuju 1962. See also Scripta Sinica, Guji sanshisi zhong.
Zi yuan字苑 by Ge Hong葛洪 (283-343) (Eastern Jin dynasty 263-420). Quoted according to Ciyuan.