Vocabulary Romanian

by Kim Schulte  

The vocabulary contains 2270 meaning-word pairs ("entries") corresponding to core LWT meanings from the recipient language Romanian. The corresponding text chapter was published in the book Loanwords in the World's Languages. The language page Romanian contains a list of all loanwords arranged by donor languoid.

Word form LWT code Meaning Core list Borrowed status Source words

Field descriptions


The transcription system has been adapted to the technical and scientific context of the database. The following conventions have been used (Table 7):

Table 7: Transcription conventions in the LWT Tarifiyt Berber database
LWT usage IPA Standard linguistic transcription of Tarifiyt Official Tarifiyt orthography (Lafkioui 1997)
ā a: ā ar, er, re
ā’ a:ˁ ạ̄ aṛ, eṛ, ṛe
ƀ β ḇ b
č ʧ č lt
ç ɕ ḵ k, y
d’ dˁ ḍ ḍ
đ δ ḏ d
đ’ δˁ ḏ̣ ḍ
ə ə e e
ǧǧ ʤ(:) ǧǧ ll
ħ ħ ḥ ḥ
ia ea ia ir
l’ lˁ ḷ ḷ
r ɾ r r
r’ ɾˁ ṛ ṛ
ř r ř l
š ʃ š c, k
s’ sˁ ṣ ṣ
ŧ θ ṯ ṯ
t’ tˁ ṭ ṭ
ua oa ua ur
y j y y
z’ zˁ ẓ ẓ
ž ʒ ž j
ʔ ʔ ’ ’
ʕ ʕ ɛ ɛ

Comment on word form

Words for which a Latin etymon is given may have been borrowed into Latin at an earlier stage. For the purpose of this vocabulary, Latin words that were in use before Roman conquest and colonization of the area in which Romanian is spoken today are considered to have been inherited from Latin. Some of these words may be loanwords in Latin, but they will not be considered loanwords in Romanian, as they were not borrowed into Romanian as such.


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